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why do white people tan

Thoughts on white people using dark-skinned emoji | TechCrunch
Thoughts on white people using dark-skinned emoji | TechCrunch
Spartan Newsroom (https://news.jrn.msu.edu/2017/12/tan-or-different-cultures-suggest-different-standards/) So or white? Different cultures suggest different standards The foundation products of Vanessa XieVanessa XieMAC are designed in various colours. Vanessa XieXiuyan LuoVanessa XieThese are Xiuyan whitening skin care products. From left to right: Express brighten Serum, Whitening Lotion and Whitening creamVanessa XieXiuyan was doing his daily skin care routineVanessa XieVanessa XieGowoon LeeVanessa XieDiana StewartVanessa XieVanessa XieVanessa XieCristina was reorganizing products. When seasons change from summer to autumn, many Asian girls start their repair and bleaching routine to get rid of their tanned skin tone. However, at the same time, many American girls go to the tanning shops and pay a tanning bath to get a beautiful, evenly honey skin. Walk in the cosmetic stores, and many Asian girls would choose to buy the lighter base, which could originally be designed for white people. And many Asian celebrities love making their skin look so pale. But many American celebrities tend to have darker and skin colors. There are great standard beauty differences between Asian girls and American girls in the tone of the skin. Vanessa XieMAC's founding products were designed for various skin colors So I interviewed several girls of different origins about their opinion about whitening and tanning and their beauty standards for the tone of the skin. Vanessa XieXiuyan LuoXiuyan Luo, China, the principal in Hospitality Management" I think the tanning is interesting, I could try it in the future. I think tanning is an American standard of beauty, respect your choice. And they really do. But I felt that Asia would look better if they had whiter skin. Perhaps I was affected by Asian culture for so long, because many Chinese celebrities have a very light skin color. "My identical skin should be smooth, without pores and even color. Of course, it would be better if the skin has a lighter color." Vanessa XieThese are Luo's skin care products. From left to right: Express shine serum, whitening lotion and whitening cream Vanessa XieLuo working on her daily skin care routine Cristina, MAC Sales on Macy'sVanessa XieCristinaVanessa XieCristina was reorganizing products. "Yes, I notice that there are some differences in beauty standards between Asian girls and American girls. For example, we have many international students here who tend to like shadows more light foundations like porcelain and so on. It's interesting because we have a lot of culture in the United States. We have Indian customers who told us that they also have the same tendency prefer the skin lighter." About the tan: "I think they are personal decisions. But I wouldn't do anything to sacrifice my health, it's not worth it. Especially today there's a lot of fake tanning. You can get tanned spray or auto-tan lotion. Why sacrifice your health?" I like what (skin color) comes naturally. I think you should change your skin color drastically.Mayuko Iwata, Japanese, junior journalism student Vanessa XieMayuko Iwata I like having my skin as white, because it's easier to fix. But my skin color is already dark compared to other Asian girls. There are some ways to make skin lighter in Japan, such as whitening pills or bleaching injection. But I don't like medical methods. But I do use whitening cream. "In reality, tanning is like an old trend in Japan. Ten years ago, many Japanese girls liked to make tan and have a very dark skin color. So it's kind of old for me, but I think it helps you look healthier. "I think it's good to be naturally tanned. I just don't like to use the machine because there are many side effects."Diana Stewart, Optometrist Vanessa XieDiana Stewart I've done it sometimes in the past. It was good, but it was so bad for your skin so I don't want to do it anymore. In general, it is very bad for your long-term skin and increases many risks to skin cancer. So it's just not worth it." "People like having darker skin felt they look better with a tan. People always want what you don't have. As if you have straight hair, you want curly hair; you have light skin, you want darker skin. That's how girls work. "Everyone has a different opinion about what is the best look at them. I'd probably be more tanned than me. Because I'm Hispanic, but I'm so light that people won't even know I'm Hispanic. So I felt that if I was darker, I'll see more than I am. "Gowoon Lee, Korean, Senior Education Student Vanessa XieGowoon Lee "I prefer to whiten. I want to tone my skin a little more. So I also use some BB cream whitening or sun cream. "But when I put on makeup, I still try to match the color of my face and neck. Because I've seen some celebrities, they can have a super white face but darker. That is not natural." I could try to tan, but definitely not now. I think I need to be more courageous to do so." In Korea, many celebrities on television shows have a very clear skin color. And everyone thinks it's the color of the skin that should have a beauty. But the skin color of most Asians is more like already 'tanned.'"About a Spartan, a student journalist, a fashion lover and a foodie. A future international news journalist, photographer, director of public relations. And she's also a pet proprietary potential. Your dream is to travel around the world and try all the delicious food. Read the next clue, Mich. - The so-called "unwritten rule" behind the nights when university students meet on drinks is that some young women tend to dress more provocatively than they do on a typical basis of each day. Related SeriesProjects of student products enrolled in the Spartan Newsroom class (JRN 400) at the Michigan State University School of Journalism during 2017. Seeing yourself is more than what you see outside, it is what enters into making your body healthy, happy and beautiful in your own eyes. The Newsroom Spartan explores the subject of body image, including eating disorders, sexuality, beauty/modity industry. Social media and more as we explore how people perceive themselves. Projects of student products enrolled in the Spartan Newsroom class (JRN 400) at the Michigan State University School of Journalism. Comments are closed. About the Newsroom SpartanNews and information from the University of Michigan School of Journalism. The content is produced by MSU students under the direction of journalism. In case you lost him Mason Area Historical Society / Mason Area Historical Society The Ingham County rostrum was knocked down. Ingham has one of the last Michigan County fairs. Even three weeks before the election, East Lansing City Secretary Jennifer Shuster said he was working unstop for this life-changing choice. "We have issued 10,120 absent ballots and 51% of them have been returned as voted. Search This SiteDownload Spartan Newsroom Journalist Resources Files © Copyright 2021, Michigan State UniversityBuilt with the from the .

Bronze sun Bronze or simply bronzed is the process by which it darkens or tans. It is more often the result of exposure to artificial sources or sources, such as a found in beds. People who deliberately tan their skin by sun exposure are engaged in a passive recreational activity to bathe in the sun. Some people use chemicals that can produce a tanned effect without exposure to ultraviolet radiation, known as . Bronze Sun Bronze a BathroomContents Impact on the health of the skin[]The moderate exposure to direct sunlight contributes to production and , but the excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays has negative effects on health, including and increased risk of , as well as the function of the depressed immune system and . Some people get tanned or burn more easily than others. This can be the result of different types of skin and natural, and these can be a result of . The term "tanning" has a cultural origin, derived from the tanning colour. Its origin is found in Western culture when it became fashion for young people to look less pale (see below). The process of tanning[] is a natural pigment produced by the cells called in a process called . Melanocitos produce two types of melanine: (red) and (very dark brown). Melanine protects the body by absorbing ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation causes sunburn along with others and skin, and the body naturally fights and seeks to repair the damage and protect the skin by creating and releasing more melanin in the skin cells. With the production of melanin, the color of the skin darkens. The tanning process can be triggered by natural sunlight or artificial UV radiation, which can be delivered in UVA, UVB frequencies or a combination of both. The intensity is commonly measured by . There are two different mechanisms involved in the production of a tan by exposure to UV rays: First, UVA radiation creates oxidative stress, which in turn oxidizes the existing melanine and leads to the rapid darkening of the melanine. UVA can also make melanine redistributed (free of melanocytes where it is already stored), but its total amount is not changed. The darkening of the skin by exposure to UVA does not lead to significantly greater production of melanin or protection against sunburn. In the second process, triggered mainly by UVB, there is an increase in the production of melanine (meleanogenesis), which is the reaction of the body to the direct photodamage of DNA (formation of ) of UV radiation. Melanogenesis leads to delayed tanning, and usually becomes visible two or three days after exposure. The tan that is created by the increased melanogenesis usually lasts a few weeks or months, much more than the tanning that is caused by the oxidation of the existing melanine, and is also in fact protective against the damage of the UV skin and the burning of the sun, instead of simply cosmetic. Typically, it can provide a modest (SPF) of 3, which means that tanned skin would tolerate up to 3 times UV exposure as pale skin. However, to cause a real tan of melanogens through exposure to UV rays, a direct DNA photodamage must first be produced, which requires UVB exposure (as is present in natural sunlight, or solar lamps that produce UVB). [] The frequencies responsible for tanning are often divided into UVA and UVB ranges. UVA radiation[]Ultraviolet A (UVA) is in the range of wavelength 320 to 400 nm. It is present more uniformly throughout the day, and throughout the year, than UVB. Most UVA is not blocked by the atmosphere. UVA causes the release of the existing melanine from the melanocytes to combine with oxygen (oxidize) to create the actual tanning color on the skin. [] UVA is blocked less than UVB by many sunscreens, but is blocked to some degree by clothing. UVA is known both to cause DNA damage and to be carcinogen. However, it does not operate by inducing direct damage to DNA, but by producing that damages DNA indirectly. UVA (see above) induces cosmetic tanning but little more protection against sun damage, sunburn or cancer. [] UVB[]Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation is in the wavelength range from 280 to 320 nm. Much of this band is blocked by the Earth's ozone layer, but some penetrate. UVB: Bronze behaviour of different skin colors[] A person's natural skin color affects his reaction to sun exposure. The natural color of an individual's skin can vary from a dark brown to a almost colorless pigmentation, which may seem white. In 1975, the Harvard dermatologist designed the common tanning behavior of various skin types, as follows: Type Also called Sunburning Tanning Behavior I Very light or pale Often Occasionally 1-5 II Light or light skin Normally Sometimes. 6-10 III Mid-light Rarely Normally 11-15 IV Dark average Rarely Often 16-21 V Dark type or " No. Sometimes they get dark 22-28 VI Very dark or kind." No. Naturally black brown leather 29-36 Health aspects[] The most common risk of exposure to ultraviolet radiation is , the speed and severity of which vary among individuals. This can be alleviated at least to some extent by the prior application of an adequate force, which will also hinder the process of tanning due to the blocking of UV light. It is known that ultraviolet radiation causes the age of the skin and wrinkle faster, mutates and impairs the immune system. The frequent use of the tanning bed triples the risk of developing, the most deadly form of skin cancer, according to a 2010 study. The study suggests that the risk of melanoma is linked more closely to the total exposure than to the age at which an individual first uses a tanning bed. The use of tanning beds in the highest cancer risk category, describing them as human carcinogens even if used as recommended. [] Several organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States General of Surveillance and the United States General, have issued warning guidelines on sun tanning and exposure to UV radiation, either from the sun or from. Production of vitamins D is essential to human health. Moderate exposure (avoiding sunburn) to UV radiation provides benefits such as increased vitamin D, as well as other potential benefits that are still being studied. Several tanning activators have used different forms of , which are known to be . Since July 1996, the health authorities have banned tortole. Cultural history[] Meaning has entered and out of fashion. In the United States and Western Europe before the 1920s, tanned skin was associated with lower classes, because they worked outdoors and were exposed to sunlight. Women went to large extensions to preserve the pale skin, as a sign of their "refining". Women's outdoor clothing styles were adapted to protect against exposure to sunlight, with full-length sleeves, and other large hats, handkerchiefs and head shields. Lead... and cosmetics based on . The preference for just skin continued until the end of the . In the early twentieth century, the therapeutic benefits of sunlight began to be recognized. In 1903, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his "Terapia de Luz de Finland". Therapy was a cure for diseases like and . it was found to be a cause of racism, and exposure to sunlight would allow the production of vitamin D in a person. Thus, exposure to sunlight was a remedy to cure various diseases, especially the crickets. In 1910 a scientific expedition went to the island to test the broader health benefits of "heliotherapy", and in 1913 "sunbathing" is called a desirable activity for the leisure class. Shortly afterwards, in the 1920s, the fashion designer accidentally burned the sun as he visited the . When he came home, he came with a tan and his fans apparently liked the look and began adopting darker skin tones. The toasted skin became a tendency in part due to Coco's status and the yearning for his lifestyle by other members of society. In addition, the Parisians fell in love with , a "caramelized" singer in , and idolated his dark skin. These two women were leading figures of the transformation that suffered the tanned skin, in which it was perceived as fashionable, healthy and luxurious. capitalized on the new tanning fashion, throwing the first bronze oil "Huile de Chaldee" in 1927. Just before the 1930s, solar light therapy became a popularly subscribed cure for almost all the ills of simple fatigue to tuberculosis. In the 1940s, the ads began to appear in women's magazines that encouraged sunbathing. At the same time, 'the covering of the skin began to decrease, with the radically changing bathing style after its appearance in 1946. In the 1950s, many people used as a method to increase tanning. The first self-tanner occurred in the same decade and was known as "Man-Tan", although it often led to undesirable orange skin. in 1953, he marketed his sunscreen with a drawing of a small blonde and his dick spaniel waving his lower bathing suit, revealing his lower naked and tanning line; this ad was modified around the turn of the 21st century and now a small piece is shown In the last part of the 1950s, silver metal reflectors were common to improve one's tan. [] In 1962, the solar screen began to be qualified, although the FDA did not standardize the SPF label in the United States until 1978. In 1971, he introduced Malibu, who had tanned the skin, and his own bottle of sun-tanning lotion.[] In 1978 both sunscreens appeared with a SPF 15 rating and the first. In 2007, it was estimated that there were 50,000 sales points for indoor tanning; it was a $5 billion industry in the United States, and it had generated an auxiliary industry to include tanners, intensifiers and accelerators. Since then, the internal tanning industry has been more limited by health regulations. In China, the darkest skin is still considered by many as the mark of the lower classes. As recently as 2012, in some parts of China, they were becoming popular items to take on the beach in order to protect the user's face from the effects of sunlight. An innovation of 1969 is , which uses perforated fabric with thousands of micro holes that are almost invisible to the naked eye, but that transmit enough sunlight to approach a so all-over, especially if the tissue is stretched taut. The so-through bather allows more than one third of the UV rays to pass (equivalent to SPF 3 or less), and a sunscreen application is recommended even to the covered area. Sunless Tone[] To avoid exposure to UVB and UVA rays, or in strong sunless seasons, some people take alternative measures to appear with dark skin. They can use sunless tanners (also known as auto-tanners); stains that are based on (DHA); or as tanners. [] Many sunless tanning products are available in the form of darkening creams, , and sprayers that apply to the skin. There is also a professional spraying or "" option offered by , , and tanning companies. Bronze does not imply a color that is sprayed in the body, but uses a colourless chemical that reacts with proteins in the upper layer of the skin, giving rise to a brown color. [] See also[]References[]19824abab5713633711273422852816 External links[] Wikimedia Commons has media related to . ########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## See also approved by agencies or other agencies UVA filters UVB filters UVA+UVB filters See also: , , , and navigation menu Personal tools Named spaces Variants Views More Search Navigation Contributed Tools Printing/exporting Other projects Languages

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Sun tanning - Wikipedia
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Romney's Spray Tan: When did white people start deliberately tanning  themselves?
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Donald Trump's orange face may be funny, but this tanning historian says it  masks something deeper
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