irregular periods after stopping birth control pills
7 Reasons for a Missed Period After Stopping Birth Control | Parents
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But while these same studies indicate that normal fertility can return immediately after stopping birth control, what happens when it is not? We ask the experts to consider how birth control pills can affect your monthly cycle and explain the reasons why you may lack periods once you stop taking it. How birth control affects your cycle Even if you've been taking birth control pills (or using other forms of birth hormonal control, such as injections) for years, you're not likely to have problems conceiving once you stop taking them. But it might take a few months for things to come back to normal. "The time needed for a woman's menstrual cycle to regulate will vary depending on why it was done with the hormonal control of birth, along with any other underlying health problem that masks with the hormonal control of birth or developed during use and aging," says Tsao-Lin E. Moy, a fertility specialist who uses natural and integrative forms of medicine. "In a healthy woman the cycle can return fairly quickly, often within 3 to 6 cycles. But hormonal side effects can take more time to clear the system. "On the other hand, if you had an underlying medical condition that was causing irregular cycles, such as PCOS, hypothyroidism or endometriosis, you may be sure that those conditions will lift your ugly head again as soon as you stop taking birth control. "The use of a hormonal birth control method to regulate irregular periods does not resolve an underlying hormonal imbalance," says Dr. Camaryn Chrisman Robbins with the U.S. Infantry Center. "But it can lead to improved quality of life by regulating cycles and promoting endometrial health. When someone stops using hormonal medications, the original symptoms are likely to resume." RELATEDMoy agrees, saying, "the underlying condition, or the root cause, remains present, and will be expressed when a woman comes out of birth control. Many women believe that, since they have a birth control period, they have reached a normal cycle, but they do not. It is a mock cycle as the natural hormonal process is being suppressed creating an imbalance. "But that doesn't mean birth control doesn't help with some of these conditions. Robbins says, "hormone contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone are often used to treat symptoms of endometriosis and PCOS, such as acne and excessive hair growth." Sum this up to say that if you're missing your period after getting off birth control, there is a reason behind it—you just have to find it. Here are the most common things that might be causing your cycle to be off track so that you and your doctor can address them. Stress Small daily stressors such as losing the bus or taking children to school late should not cause rabies in their monthly cycle. But if you are experiencing significant stress from the main events of life, or are finding yourself stressed out of your mind from your daily rectified, your cycles can be less regular over time. That is because stress can affect your hormonal balance, which plays a crucial role in maintaining a regular cycle where an egg is produced and the uterine lining is spilled if the egg is not fertilized. Low body weight Dramatic gain or weight loss, regardless of your initial BMI, can always affect your cycle. But if your BMI is under 18 years of age, you can experience what is called secondary amenorre. That's when your period, which usually started when you were a teenager, stops completely. Unless you're a competitive athlete, this is typically a good indicator that it's time to check your diet and lifestyle and make sure you're making healthy decisions to get a higher body weight. Obesity In the back, having a 35 or more BMI is linked to a series of medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and of course, menstrual irregularities. they have found an exceptionally high correlation between obesity and lost periods. Similar to being drastically underweight, having a high level of adipose tissue in the body causes disorders in normal hormonal levels such as insulin and sexual hormone binding glyobine. Polycytic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) One of the most common causes of irregular cycles is polycystic ovary syndrome, which is caused by higher levels of male hormone and androgen. Curiously, obesity seems to go hand in hand with PCOS, with some studies that indicate that almost 80% of patients with PCOS also have a very high BMI. Although PCOS is not a curable condition, there are treatments that can help regulate your menstrual cycle and increase your chance of getting pregnant successfully. Uterine polyps and fibroids If you are experiencing irregular cycles or staining along with symptoms such as pain during coitus and lower back pain, the root cause of your lost period may be uterine or fibroid polyps. Both are terrifying, but in reality they are quite harmless; the polyps are simply small overgrowths in the lining of their uterus called endometrial. Typically without symptoms, polyps can cause disruptions to your monthly cycle and stain between periods. are growths found in or in the uterus that can cause painful and heavy periods. Why do polyps and fibroids cause you to lose your period? Because both occur in response to the fluctuations in hormones that also regulate your cycle. Imbalance thyroid Who knew your thyroid played such a big role in your menstrual cycle? It seems strange, but it's true. Your thyroid hormones directly impact your periods, and too or too little (such as in cases of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, respectively) may cause your cycles to become irregular or stop completely. Breastfeeding Considering that nearly 50 per cent of mothers in the United States are breastfeeding for 6 months or more after the baby is born, it is important to understand how breastfeeding affects menstruation. Numerous studies have shown that exclusive breastfeeding leads to a few months of amenorrea (without having a period) immediately after birth. But there is no definitive orientation about how long, and often there is no indication that your cycle is going on again. This can lead to unplanned pregnancy if no other birth control method is used. To prevent this, many women resort to a "minimum pill", which is a birth control pill only progesterone. According to Dr. Robbins, "A birth control pill only progesterone is excellent for parents who are breast-feeding because progesterone pills do not interfere with milk supply. Estrogen has been shown to decrease the volume of milk, especially in early breastfeeding. Many contraceptive methods are safe to start any time after giving birth, and women can resume a birth control that contains estrogen after they stop breastfeeding." Once your period returns after giving birth, it is not unusual that it is a bit irregular if you continue to breastfeed. But if your baby has been weaned for months and your period has not yet been regulated, it is worth a trip to your doctor so that your hormone levels are checked. Comments (2) Participation options Comment on this project Log in Magazines & More informationConnectOther Meredith Sites View image
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